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Enrichment Options

We believe that Sixth Form students should be provided with many opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and ideas beyond the classroom. Our Enrichment Programme has been carefully planned to give you chances to help you pursue other interests and qualifications in conjunction with your main courses. Students in Year 12 will be asked to choose from one of the following options:

Football Academy

Students who choose the Football Academy will receive a varied programme throughout the year. Ex England player and now coach Andy Sinton will work alongside Invictus Academy staff to deliver training sessions both on the pitch and in the gym. Students also will have the opportunity to represent Invictus Sixth Form in regular competitions both locally and nationally.


Netball Academy

Students who choose the Netball Academy will receive regular training sessions by our specialist Invictus coaches and also have the opportunity to compete regularly against other teams both locally and nationally.


Rugby Academy

Students who choose the Rugby Academy will receive regular training sessions by our specialist Invictus coaches and also have the opportunity to use the fantastic on-site gym facilities and develop knowledge of strength and conditioning alongside their training sessions. Students also compete regularly against other teams both locally and nationally.


Performing Arts Academy (IPAA)

Students who choose IPAA will have the opportunity to develop their skills of singing, dancing and acting alongside our specialist Invictus Performing Arts staff. Students will also have the opportunity to prepare and perform for showcases and also attend trips and visits.


Core Maths

Core Maths is intended for students who have passed GCSE Mathematics but who may have not chosen to study AS or A level Mathematics. Studying Core Maths helps students develop their quantitative and problem-solving skills. This is valuable preparation for the quantitative skills they will need for many degree courses, particularly subjects such as psychology, geography, business-related courses, sports and social sciences, and natural science courses that do not require AS/A Mathematics.


CefS (Certificate in Financial Studies)

This course encourages students to become responsible borrowers and sensible savers, and to appreciate the need for financial planning throughout their life. It prepares them for further study by developing the core skills of critical analysis and evaluation, verbal communication (through classroom discussion) and written communication.
This greater understanding of financial planning can support entry to university on finance and banking courses and a wide range of other disciplines. It also supports progress to a wide range of entry level occupations within finance, ensuring that learners understand the sector and have a range of transferrable skills and knowledge.


Duke of Edinburgh Gold

For the hundreds of thousands of young people who take part each year, the benefits of achieving a DofE Award. DofE is about helping you along the path to a productive and prosperous future. As many of our participants say, it’s life-changing.

Achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and an edge over others when you apply for an apprenticeship, university or a job. Beyond your academic achievements, universities want to see evidence of so called ‘soft skills’ that you have developed through extra-curricular activities, such as communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork. Your DofE Award is a fantastic way to demonstrate and evidence these skills in practice.

You’ll also make a difference to other people’s lives and your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime.

Our participants also tell us that doing their DofE gives them character traits like confidence and resilience, that can boost their mental health and wellbeing and help them face and overcome personal challenges.  



Esports can be taken alongside the Level 3 Esports course or in addition for students who have an interest in Esports but do not want to gain a qualification. Esports is a great pathway for students seeking a career in Esports or closely linked digital industries. Esports enrichment allows students to compete with other students both in house and across the UK.


Extended Project Qualification

The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is an independent project which involves writing an essay of about 5000 words, about your research and how you approached your project, and a final presentation where you’ll talk through this essay and paperwork. Alternatively, you can make an ‘artefact’ - this can be a piece of artwork, or something else you’ve physically made – and an accompanying shorter essay. This option is ideal for students wishing to develop the skills needed to move onto Higher Education.


English Speaking Board (ESB)

We believe oracy provides a gateway, not only to improved reading and writing, but also to learning across the whole curriculum. The essential life skills students develop impact them well beyond the classroom, boosting progression and employability. The ESB allows students alongside specialist teachers to develop their oracy, gain a qualification and develop skills they can take beyond the classroom.


Further Maths

Studying Further Mathematics is excellent preparation for a degree in Mathematics. Many university maths departments encourage students to take Further Mathematics as it introduces a wider range of pure and applied content, such as matrices and complex numbers. Students who have studied Further Mathematics often find the transition to university far more straightforward.

Modern Foreign Language (Spanish)

Those students who have an interest in developing or building upon their existing Spanish can do so alongside a specialist teacher. Students develop their conversation skills in small groups.

STEP (Student subject ambassadors)

Students will get the opportunity to volunteer and assist within a chosen subject/discipline within any of our Trust schools. Students develop more in-depth knowledge within their chosen subject, supporting staff and students both in and outside the classroom.

Sport (Recreational)

Students have the opportunity to take part in recreational sport to both develop skills, meet other students and also use sport as a means to de-stress or take their minds away from their studies for a time. Activities include volleyball, badminton, rounders and others.


Sixth Form Magazine

Students who are interested in a career within publishing or journalism can develop their skills through the production of the Invictus Sixth Magazine and newsletters. Students are required to independently source stories, produce write up and work alongside the Invictus Sixth Form and marketing team to publish their works.


Student Council

Students who would like to represent the student voice for the Sixth Form and students lower down in our schools take part a role on the student council. Students are responsible for arranging meetings, chairing meeting, documenting minutes and sharing these findings with the Director and Heads of Sixth Form.


TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

Students will take part in a two-day intensive course developing their skills to teach English to students in the learning stages of the language. Following the course, students are then able to put their skills in practice by supporting lessons within some of our Trust schools.


Volunteering and Charity Programme

Students who wish to work within the community and support the community may chose to take part in our volunteering and charity programme. Students previously have given up their time to work within local community projects and also fund raise for local causes.


Young Enterprise

Are you someone interested in starting your own business? Are you interested in entrepreneurship or joining the ranks of business leaders when you grow up? Do you dream of being self-employed or offering the world a service through your start-up? If so, Young Enterprise may well help you to gain the business experience you need whilst still at Sixth Form. Young Enterprise gives you the practical experience that will help you to start a business and to grow it into something amazing.

Invictus Headquarters

Kinver High School


West Midlands


01384  686544

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