Congratulations to all Invictus Sixth students on making it through an incredibly tough two years. Many students were unable to sit GCSEs in 2020 and so this summer’s exams may have been the first external assessments students experienced. It’s a tremendous achievement, and we are very proud. In spite of challenges placed in front of them Invictus Sixth students have shown resilience, determination and independence. This is reflected in the results our Year 13 students have achieved, continuing the Invictus Sixth reputation of outstanding academic and vocational achievement. Across all 6 schools the majority of our students gained grades A*-B, with an overwhelming majority achieving A* - C. We would like to congratulate all of our students for the results they have achieved and we very much look forward to hearing all about the next chapter in their lives, be that university, a higher apprenticeship or employment.
Congratulations again to all our students. The resilience they have shown under such conditions is remarkable. Our students are all exceptional, inspiring, and talented young people and we couldn’t be prouder of them. We would ask all our students to keep in touch through our Alumni community.